
Greetings from the President.

I am Ja-Won Koo, President of the Korean Balance Society.

The new year of 2025 has dawned and there is a strong sense of hope that this year will lead to a brighter future.

The Korean Balance Society has continued to fulfill its core mission by fostering domestic and international academic exchanges, initiating the publication of an English journal, and releasing a high-quality revised edition of our textbook. I would like to express my deep gratitude to former President Byung-Gun Kim and the previous executive board for their dedication in successfully leading these initiatives. I also extend my sincere appreciation to all past presidents, board members, and society members who have steadfastly upheld the society’s core functions and placed it on a firm foundation.

The Korean Balance Society, in collaboration with related societies, will make every effort to ensure that government-led policy changes are implemented with appropriate alternatives, allowing both dizziness patients and vestibular specialists—from private clinics to major hospitals—to provide and receive optimal care in an improved medical environment.

As the only multidisciplinary society dedicated to dizziness and balance disorders in Korea, the Korean Balance Society will continue to develop educational programs that contribute to the effective diagnosis and treatment of dizziness, thereby expanding the base of vestibular specialists.

Our society has rapidly gained international recognition, particularly since the successful hosting of the 2016 Barany Society Meeting in Seoul. During that event, we launched the Won-Sang Lee Award, signed MOUs with overseas balance-related societies, and actively engaged in international collaborations. Building on these globalization efforts, we aim to establish Research in Vestibular Science as a leading journal in neuro-otology, gaining recognition among researchers worldwide. Furthermore, we will support basic and clinical research in vestibular science, analyze and publish domestic epidemiological data on dizziness and postural instability, and contribute these findings to public health policy.

We recognize that the advancement of our members is the driving force behind the development of our society. By maximizing our strength as a multidisciplinary organization, we will create a strong foundation for active exchange and collaboration across various fields, ensuring that membership in the Korean Balance Society remains a source of pride. To achieve this, we earnestly seek your valuable input and participation.

I sincerely wish you all a joyful, healthy year filled with success in all your endeavors.

Happy New Year!

January 2025

Ja-Won Koo
14th President of the Korean Balance Society

President Ja-Won Koo Seoul National Univertisy Bundang Hospital
Vice President Oh Jae-guk Boaz Ent Clinic
Donguk Kim Clear Head Donguk Kim Neurology Clinic
Auditor Tae Kyeong Lee Soonchunhyang University Hospital
Seong Ki Ahn Gyeongsang National University Hospital
General Secretary Myung-Whan Suh Seoul National Univertisy Hospital
General Secretary 2 Hak Seung Lee Wonkwang University Hospital
Assistant General Secretary Sang-Yoon Han Hanyang University Hospital
Director of Scholarship Sun Young Oh Chonbuk National University Hospital
Director of Scholarship 2 Joo Hyun Park Dongguk University Hospital
Director of Scholarship 3 Seunghee Na Catholic University Hospital
Director of Planning Dong-Han Lee Konkuk University Hospital
Director of Publication Ji-Yun Park Ulsan University Hospital
Director of Publication 2 Young Joon Seo Yonsei University, Wonju Severance Christian Hospital
Director of Research Management Jeong-Yoon Choi Seoul National Univertisy Bundang Hospital
Director of Research Management 2 Min Young Lee Dankook University Hospital
Director of Qualification Management Yong-Hwi An Eulji University, Nowon Eulji Medical Center
Director of Finance Minbum Kim Catholic Kwandong University, International St. Mary’s Hospital
Director of Foreign Affairs Sung-Kwang Hong Hallym University College of Medicine
Director of Foreign Affairs 2 Seo-Young Choi Pusan National University Hospital
Director of Education Jae-Han Park Daegu Catholic University Hospital
Director of Medical Task Seong-Hae Jeong Chungnam National University Hospital
Director of Insurance Min-Beom Kim Good listening otolaryngology clinic
Director of Information Yoon Chan Rah Korea University Ansan Hospital
Chair of Clinical Vestibular Science Textbook Committee Sung Won Chae Korea University Guro Hospital
Chair of International Academic Journal Hong Ju Park Asan Medical Center
Vice-Cair of International Academic Journal Seung-Han Lee Chonnam National University Hospital
Chair of the Asia Acadamic Exchange Committee Kyu-Sung Kim Inha University Hospital
Director of Without Portfolio Bong-Hui Kang Dankook University Hospital
Min Sun Kim Wonkwnag University, Department of Physiology
Sung Huhn Kim Yonsei Univertisy, Severance Hospital
Chang-Hee Kim Konkuk University Hospital
Hyun Ah Kim Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital
Sung Il Nam Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital
Sangho Park SINSAHO ENT clinic
Jae-Yong Byun Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong
Jae-Hyun Seo The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital
Jae Jun Song Korea University Guro Hospital
Dae Bo Shim Good listening Otolaryngology Clinic
Donghee Lee Catholic University Hospital
Sun-Uk Lee Korea University Anam Hospital
Eek-Sung Lee Soonchunhyang University Hospital
Jong-Dae Lee Soonchunhyang University Hospital
EunJu Jeon Catholic University Hospital
Jae Yun Jung Dankook University Hospital
Kwang Dong Choi Pusan National University Hospital
Jae-Hwan Choi Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital
Former President Chung Ku Rhee Dankook University Hospital
Kyung Cheon Chung Dongducheon Jungang Sungmo Hospital
Won Sang Lee(passed away) Yonsei Univertisy, Severance Hospital
Byung Rim Park Wonkwnag University, Department of Physiology
Eui Kyung Koh Pusan National University Hospital
Jae Il Kim Dankook University Hospital
Ki Bum Sung Soonchunhyang University Hospital
Won Ho Chung Samsung Medical Center
Ji-Soo Kim Seoul National Univertisy Bundang Hospital
Gyu Cheol Han Gachon University Gil Medical Center
Kyu-Sung Kim Inha University Hospital
Byung-Kun Kim Nowon Eulji Medical Center, Eulji University


  • 2025

    Professor Ja-Won Koo appointed as 14th President.

  • 2023.10.25 ~ 27

    Joint meeting (The 82ndAnnual Meeting of the Japan Society for Equilibrium Research)
    - Toki Messe at Niigata, Japan

  • 2023

    Professor Byung-Kun Kim appointed as 13th President.

  • 2021

    Professor Kyu Sung Kim appointed as 12th President.


  • 2019.07

    Professor Hyung Lee appointed as 11th President.

  • 2018.11

    The 4th Joint Meeting of Japan Society of Equilibrium Research and Korean Balance Society.

  • 2017

    Professor Gyu Cheol Han appointed as 10th President.

  • 2016.06

    The 3rd Joint Meeting of the Korean Balance Society & Japan Society for Equilibrium Research is held during Barany Society Meeting.

  • 2016. 6. 5~8

    The 29th Bárány Society Meeting, an international conference, is held in Seoul at Grand InterContinental Seoul, under the supervision of the Korean Balance Society.

  • 2015

    Professor Ji-Soo Kim appointed as 9th President.

  • 2014.11

    The 2nd Joint Meeting of Japan Society of Equilibrium Research and Korean Balance Society is held in Yokohama.

  • 2013.06

    The 1st Joint Meeting of the Korean Balance Society & Japan Society for Equilibrium Research is held in Seoul

  • 2013

    Professor Won Ho Chung appointed as 8th President.

  • 2011

    Professor Ki Bum Sung appointed as 7th President.

  • 2017.10

    The 3rd Joint Meeting of Japan Society of Equilibrium Research and Korean Balance Society is held in Yamaguchi.

  • 2017.10

    The 1st Korean Balance Society Educational Course is held, followed by semiannual symposiums until the 7th program in March 2021.

  • 2017.11

    The 1th Expert meeting is held, followed by semiannual symposiums until the 5th meeting in November 2019.


  • 2009

    Professor Jae Il Kim appointed as 6th President.

  • 2007.06

    Professor Byung Rim Park appointed as 5th President.

  • 2005.10

    The 1st Social Meeting of the Korean Balance Society & Japan Society for Equilibrium Research.

  • 2005.06

    Professor Byung Rim Park appointed as 4th President.

  • 2003.06

    Professor Won Sang Lee appointed as 3rd President

  • 2002.06

    The journal “Research in Vestibular Science” Vol. 1 has been published.

  • 2001.12

    Professor Kyung Cheon Chung is appointed as 2nd President.

  • 2001.06

    The Korean Balance Society holds 2nd symposium (The 2nd congress of the Korean balance Society), followed by semiannual symposiums until the 40th symposium in 2021.


  • 1999. 6.19

    1st President Professor Chung Ku Rhee and initial members establish the Korean Balance Society and hold the inaugural symposium (The 1st Balance Disorder Symposium).

  • 2025 KBS Fall Meeting

    • DATE 2025-DEC-07
    • Venue Samjung Hotel, Seoul
  • 2025 KBS Spring Meeting

    • DATE 2025-JUN-01
    • Venue Samjung Hotel, Seoul
  • 2024 KBS Fall Meeting

    • DATE 2024-NOV-03
    • Venue Samjung Hotel, Seoul
  • Joint meeting(The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Equilibrium Research)

    • DATE 2023-Oct-25(WED) ~ 2023-Oct-27(FRI)
    • Venue Toki Messe at Niigata, Japan
  • 2023 KBS fall meeting (in Korean)

    • DATE 2023-Dec-03 (SUN) ~ 2023-Dec-03 (SUN)
    • Venue Sejong University Convention center
    • Register until 2023-Nov-26 (Sun)
    • Contact info-pre@ceed.kr / (+82)02-6448-4021
  • 2024 Spring KBS meeting

    • DATE 2024-Apr-28 (SUN)
    • Venue Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
  • XXXIIBáránySocietyMeeting2024 (Barany 2024)

    • DATE 2024-Aug-25 (SUN) ~ 2024-Aug-28 (WED)
    • Venue Uppsala, Sweden